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18 October 2023The Nadezh Church | Mures County | Transylvania
The Nadesch Church is located in its namesake commune “Nadesch” in Mures County. It is located about 20 km from the city of Sighisoara. The church was built only about 170 years ago from the foundation of a Romanesque basilica, whose construction is dated between 1250 and 1300.
In June 2017, an incident occurred in which a part of the church ceiling above the organ loft collapsed due to a fungal infestation. The extremely valuable church organ, made by Samuel Joseph Maetz, was hit.
The church organ dates back to 1807 and its builder, Samuel Joseph Maetz, made over 35 organs at that time. Just like the roof ceiling, the organ was also damaged in the accident.
In order to ensure the restoration of the church and its organ and to continue to maintain the church, the Nadescher Förderverein e.V. was founded in response to the accident. It supports the work of preserving and restoring the Protestant church.
You can support the Support association and help maintain the church and fund its renovation.
Find more information on: Förderverein Nadescher Kirche